
baking banana bread at night

お題「簡単レシピ」 It's 10 o'clock at night in Japan. Today was a good day. I had a relaxing day. I took a English lesson in the afternoon. She told me banana bread is easy to cook and it's tasty. I went to the supermarket in the station a…


今週のお題「いも」 こんばんは。お元気ですか? 今日の金沢の天気は、雨のち曇り。最低気温は12℃。 一枚、また一枚と着る服が増えていきますね。 さて、秋は美味しいものがたくさんあります。 ジャガイモのポテトサラダです。 ちなみに最近気に入っているの…